User Research
We began with sending a preliminary user survey to 21 dancers and/or choreographers, asking if they found difficulty in finding a centralized platform for their dance-focused needs. Here's what they said:
“TikTok gets bombarded with other topic and interests on your for you page … difficult to find a for you page catered to only dancing.”
“On TikTok the dancing being shared is … not actual performances or class videos … hard to find new dance creators if they are not tied to your circle … challenging for someone new.”
“I would love a streamlined way to discover choreographers and dancers …”
Then, to further understand our intended user base, we conducted interviews with 4 dancers heavily involved in the dance community. We asked 7 in-depth questions that helped us understand dancers' online behaviors, preferences, challenges, and desires for enhancing their dance experiences through digital platforms.
After analyzing and summarizing the insights, interviewees’ opinions fit into three categories:
Current platforms do not offer capabilities to search for niche styles and related choreography, especially Black-created styles.
One interviewee noted a lack of a strong dance community near him. It’s hard to find classes and get choreographers to come to his area.
All interviewees expressed frustration at not having one place to access different dance styles, choreography, and other dancers.